Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Let the DIY craziness begin:::::::

Life has seemed to go by a little bit faster ever since becoming a Mom. The summer is always a world wind of outings, adventures and trying to find somewhere cooler than your house! And then the anticipation of Fall begins:::::This is the time of year that marks the true beginning of an abundant amount of projects. I mean, I become a tad crazy with them!

After scouring Pinterest for this years inspiration, I became inspired by so many things, to name a few; gold glitter (duh!), abstract paintings, pom poms and some others that I will share with you later! And to be perfectly honest, I tackled all of these today and loved every second of it! 

Here is a pic of the beginning stages of our Fall mantle:::::  

Starting from the Left::::: 

>>Glitter Pine Cones-- I collected Pine Cones and painted the tips with Mod Podge and then sprinkled with glitter! 

>>Pom-Pom Garland--This was sooo easy and I'm obsessed ( I think Gianna needs some for her room)!! I bought four colors of Pom Poms at a local craft store and used a needle a thread! I actually created three different strands. When threading, I used a double layer of thread, put a needle at the other end and poked the needle through the middle of each Pom Pom! 

>>Abstract Painting-- First, a confession---I did not do this today, but I did do it over the weekend while my daughter and I had an afternoon of art! She actually was intrigued when she caught me painting, so I set her up and let he go! I'll share her creation with you soon! 
   I've been wanting a piece of "art" on my mantle but could never find the colors I wanted. So I bought a crazy array of colors and just went with it. The great thing about this is, it's error free! It does take a little patience, because you have to wait for certain layers to dry, but other than that it's a "Do Whatever You Want" kinda piece of art!!! 

After completing this today I have become even more inspired to Create! Creating for me is not always about the finished product (believe me there goes a lot unfinished), but the process. As the picture reads "Create your own Joy." 


Friday, March 15, 2013

My Spring Mantle & Free Printable

Yay for Spring!!! I love this time of year for sooo many reasons::: the colors, family celebrations, candy, my birthday and the warm sunshine!!

I confess--I just removed my Valentines mantle....whatever, I liked looking at it:))) I skipped the whole St. Patricks Day decor and went straight to Spring!! Well, here it is::::::{{{{it's like 95% complete}}}}

I made the banner today using my Silhouette Cameo. I am in love with this machine!!!! I cut out the actual banner pieces as well as the letters and bunnies. I added some left over Valentine doilies and some ribbon to add some accent colors. 

The bird houses were super easy:))) I bought the tall one at the craft store today and I actually had the other one in a stash box:::surprise, surprise! I sprayed them with Heidi Swapp's new Color Shine sprays!!! She featured a project yesterday where they just spray on untreated wood and---voila! Color Shine comes in sooo many amazing colors and are so much fun to play with! 

When decorating my mantle I usually head over to Eighteen25, they have a bunch of free printables,  crafts and diy stuff. But I took this into my own hands this time and created my own. I loved playing with all the fonts and colors and especially incorporating the chevron pattern in there!!! I love the printable, but I'm not in love with this black frame, so tomorrow I think its going to get spray painted:)) 
As a new feature on my blog I am going to be gifting these printables to you! All you have to do is download and print. The file prints to fit a 8x10 frame. 



You can download the Free Spring Printable HERE!!

{{This is my first time doing file sharing on my blog, so if it doesn't work please let me know!!!}}

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Old Blog:::New Tricks

I am a self taught blogger::::as I wrote that, it sounded like a dreadful confession. Its definitely a love/hate relationship sometimes. I like doing things myself, teaching myself new things and challenging myself, even if it makes me want to pull my hair out. It may not be the most healthiest thing in the world, but I get by and I'm so proud of myself when I figure something out! Redesigning my blog and Facebook page as been a task and a half. Yes, I could pay someone to configure everything, but what fun would that be.

I want to share with you what I conquered today::::

First, my Facebook Page:::::

Look at my new and updated Menu Bar:::I'm obsessed. You can achieve this by searching for Facebook Apps that apply to you. I used Etsy Theme Shop App and Statigram Facebook app to load my Instagram feed. I ran into a problem when wanting to load my Blog. I have typically used Network Blogs to share my blog posts, but I'm not sure when things changed, but they charge you an average of $9.99/month to add a blog button to your Facebook Page! Yikes, Ummm.....not gonna happen. So,,,,the crazy Google search began::::I finally came upon Static HTML. This app allowed my to upload my blog posts for FREE!!!! 

Second, my Blog Addition::::: 

Somehow when I was in the midst of updating my blog, my Pinterest "Pin it" button disappeared. So annoying::::anyways, while trying to remember how I did it on the first place it seems that Pinterest reconfigured the "Pin It" button recently, so most codes do not properly work. I am sure there are new codes somewhere, so I leave it to you to find them if you need them! I came across a blog that I have followed for a while, and it had the Best and Easiest tutorial of adding a Pinterest Mouseover Button to all our blog images (click here for tutorial). I am in LOVE!!!! Not only was it a flawless tutorial, but I am even more excited about the outcome:))) 

Look what it does::::: Hover your mouse over any of my images in any blog post and see what happens:))

Cool, right?!?!? 

Hope this helps other people who are crazy like me and what to do everything themselves!!!

If you have any questions about these links or how to do something, don't hesitate to ask:))


Monday, March 4, 2013

Thank You, Create and Repeat!

First, I'd like to thank everyone that has been so supportive of my new business venture. I'm overjoyed with the  positive response and excited for what the future holds!

Speaking of future: Posies {handmade pretties} (click on my business name to check out my Etsy Shop) is joining forces with Customs from Calista ((you can also find her over at her adorable blog here:)) at the Encinitas Street Fair on April 27th! I promise we will keep reminding bugging you of the when and where to find us! So, put it on your calendar and we hope to see you there.

A little update on me and my family:::: G is not just walking anymore, she runs....everywhere! She is developing a vocabulary like no other. One of my favorite things that she has been doing lately, is when I'm in the kitchen, she sneaks up on me grabs a hold of my leg and not only hugs me, but gently pats my leg with one of her hands. It's the cutest thing,,,I believe its her way of consoling me for all the messes she makes each day!
 I've been creating away, thus why the blog has been on the back burner. Between designing new bows and headbands I have also been sewing, constructing props for the Encinitas Street Fair, digital designs and the occasional scrapbooking.

I've been obsessed with all the adorable and inspiration printables out there, but sometimes they aren't exactly what you what, so I decided to start making my own. Get excited:::: I'm designing some for the upcoming holidays that I will put here on the blog for you to download and print! Here is a digital design that I created for G's room. (((If people are interested in one of these for your child or as a gift for someone else, let me know:))) This was a piece that added a finishing touch to her collage.

Well, I am off to the post office to mail out orders!

Happy Monday!!!


P.S. I changed the address to this blog,,,,so update your bookmark:))))

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Year:::New Blog Design & Business Ventures

Like every other person, with a new year comes a new beginning. A time where one reflects on the past year and makes plan to make this year bigger and better. To be honest, my last year was Aaaaamazing! So for my 2013 I've devised an 'Action Plan.' Now that I have the wife and mommy boxes checked, I've always wanted to pursue my love of creating! First, I'm in the process of redesigning my blog and I'm loving it! I've also been working hard for awhile now creating a business plan, brainstorming ideas and of course creating. There is a lot of stuff in the works and I could not be more excited!

I'm stumped on a business name at the moment,,,,I thought I had one, but I'm not 100% sure about it anymore::::so as I creAte I'm looking for more inspiration! Starting your own business entails so  much. I have been doing endless research on supplies I need and what suppliers I want to use:::I'm constantly thinking about it, that's good right?!?!?

So, through my continuous brainstorming I thought blogging about it would make it more official, therefore forcing me to decide on a name and get things going!

Ever since I found out that Joe & I were having a girl the bow making started! I became crazed with having a special creation for almost every outfit. I've been asked by so many different people to either make them some or just to start my own business already. So, this is were my business is going to start!

This is what I brought home a couple weeks ago to get me started:::::and the flower and bow cutting has officially commenced. Please, get excited with me, and I'll keep you updated on this process as it grows!


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Day 4::::Sparkly Wine Bottles

Who needs an excuse to drink more wine???? Umm, I don't::::especially when I can transform the bottles into something later. I admit, I do save all my wine bottles because they are an amazing vehicle for any decor. 

To make this set of sparkly wine bottles all you need is:::

   Wine bottles ((((or any glass container)))
   White spray Paint
   Spray Adhesive
   Epsom Salt

1:} Remove the wine labels as best you can. Either soak them in hot water and scrub off or use something like Goo Gone or Nail Polish Remover. 

2:} Spray Paint::: I did two coats of white spray paint. Extra tip. I got an old wrapping paper roll and scrunched up one end and stuffed it into the wine bottle. This allowed me to twist and turn the bottle to make sure I didn't miss any spots!

3;} Sparkle Time::::{{Do 1 bottle at a time}}} Using Spray Adhesive (I used Elmer's Craft Bond Spray Adhesive) Spray liberally, starting at the bottom of the wine bottle and work your way up. It's up to you on how far you want the sparkle to go up. I tried to make each bottle a little different. Then, pour Epsom salt all over the bottle. To make it extra sparkly:::I added glitter to my epsom salt! 

4:} Add your desired adornments, branches from your Christmas tree...whatever your heart desires!!! 

These are not only wonderful and easy decorations to creAte, but could be amazing centerpieces too!!! 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Day 3::::Burlap & Ruffle Stockings

I am so excited to share this finished project....I literally just finished it! I have a thing for burlap---it's a great and versatile material to work with. Mismatched stockings drives me nuts and I have always had a fear of buying my husband and I stockings and them when our family grew I wouldn't be able to find one for our child. I know there are bigger things to worry about, but just go with it:)))
     I was destined to creAte an original design for our family stocking. To be quite honest, I'm overjoyed with the result!!! My husband and mine are almost done, but I was so excited once I finished Gianna's that I knew I had to share this project today!

There was no rhyme or reason (or use of a pattern), I just went with it! I started with tracing a stocking shape. My stockings are only burlap on the outside and red cloth for the lining.  I used muslin for the top base, ruffles and name. Side note:::The ruffles do not go all the way around the stocking, you could if you wanted, but I did the ruffles just long enough to cover the front and wrap around the edges. 

First, I created a base out of muslin, I made it twice as long and folded it so it was double layered. I wanted to make sure it was thick enough. 

For the ruffles I cut strips of muslin and used my Serger to serged the ends. If you don't do this the edges will fray. If you do not have a serger, you can fold and stitch the edges. I did a basting stitch done the middle of each muslin strip to create the ruffle effect. I laid 3 ruffle strips on the muslin base I created earlier and pinned the strips down good enough to do a straight stitch down the middle of each. 

To give the muslin top a finished look, I created my own muslin binding and stitched it to the top and bottom of the muslin piece. I then stitched the entire section onto the burlap stocking. 

Name Tag:::First, I embroidered each name and serged the edges. Once again, I added an extra piece of muslin on the back of the name piece to make it a good thickness. This is where I ran into a dilemma::::how was I going to attached the name tag????    
     After staring at my sewing machine, it came to me::::create a button hole. So, I sewed a buttonhole on the name tag and fed ribbon through it. I used a hole punch and made a hole underneath the bottom ruffle and tied a bow!

 Lastly, I used the same ribbon in the name tag and created a loop at the top so you can hang it on a stocking hook. 

Once they are all complete, I'll post a final picture. 

If anyone dares to attempt this:))) and gets confused by my less than systematic instructions, just let me know!!!

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